A farewell to Blazer Falcor

A few days ago, I learned that my best friend, known online as Blazer Falcor, had passed away. For the last 25 years, Blazer had been my tech and gaming partner in projects and games.

In MMORPG, he always ended up being the tank, soaking up damage on the frontline for the team. In Gears of War, he never hesitated to kick down a door to clear out a room. In space-combat, he was my wingman, and he always had my back.

He had a great passion for technology, and enjoyed helping others. Although he never directly contributed to Technodabbler, he did help inspire and document many of the topic. He was a wealth of technology knowledge that will be missed with his passing.

Blazer's FreeNAS Server, quickly running out of space for new drives

Unfortunately, Blazer never had the best health growing up. This is why I dedicate this year and all my future years of fundraising for Extra-Life in his name. To learn more about Extra Life, please check out my pledge page.

I will miss Blazer. My heart goes out to his parents, his brother and his two nieces who will forever miss their uncle.