Rock Band is insane!

If you are unfamiliar with the world of musical videogames, let me first offer this description. Rock Band is a video game available on several consoles (PS3. PS2 and Xbox 360 for now) that allow a group of player (up to 4) to play the role of a rock band. Using a series of plastic instruments and accessories, players can either play guitar, bass, drums, or sing (vocals).

The dry explanation of the game my seem boring, but the game is an insane amount of fun. I’ve been resisting purchasing the game until Harmonix released the separate additional wireless guitars. With that barrier removed, I didn’t hesitate long to purchase the game. Good move. So far, I’ve had one jamming session with friends and it was wicked. Hopefully, I’ll post some pictures of another jamming session when I get the opportunity to take some.

Photo by Gamekult